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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Day After Call Day

Yesterday was like Christmas. The whole campus was buzzing with excitement. After heavy thunderstorms in the morning the sun broke through at noon. And then the fog lifted also for the seminarians and their families as they received vicarage and call assignments.

This is the wonderful congregation the LORD wants to bless the Tiews with: Grace Lutheran Church, Tulsa OK. And yes, it is the beautiful church from my previous post! We are so thankful and excited!

Pastor Beecroft came all the way from Tulsa to be with us on this great day.

As if this wasn't wonderful enough, our old friends the Hintz Family will continue to be our neighbors while serving at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Broken Arrow - a suburb of Tulsa!

Thank you, friends, for all your faithful prayers and support.

We are truly blessed.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Waiting for ...

... Call Day.

April 22nd 2008 seemed so far away - especially when we arrived here at the sem. The time went by so quickly and now we are looking forward to leaving "The Island".

Chris will receive an assignment for vicarage (you can follow the service on the Web) and we are excited about finding out what the LORD has in store for us next.

There are beautiful Lutheran churches out there!